Who We Are:

Chubby Cookie Co. is a signature cookie company located in southern California. Our bakers have mastered the art of the Chubby Cookie: moist, never too sweet, and just the right amount of chub. We are committed to using top quality ingredients and bake every cookie in small batches for guaranteed freshness. The best cookies are eaten straight out of the oven, which is why we give you the perfect gooey center and crispy exterior in every bite!

Whether it's small family gatherings, large parties, special occasions, or custom corporate branding solutions, we do it all to help make your events special. And now, with nationwide shipping, you can enjoy our cookies from anywhere, anytime. Stay on the lookout for Chubby Cookies near you!

Arthur Hagopian
Co-Founder, CEO
Oganess Markosian
Co-Founder, COO
George Boulatian
Co-Founder, CFO

During the pandemic in 2020, Chubby Cookie Co. started as a side hustle between three close friends: Arthur, Oganess and George. They had spent years making culinary creations together as a pass time, always sharing them with family and friends to enjoy. Arthur Hagopian founded the first Chubby Cookie and still invents all the recipes today. When they were stuck at home, Arthur started batching and baking cookies to give to loved ones as a little pick-me-up. It didn’t take long before people started calling and requesting orders.

The Crew:

At the time, Arthur was a full-time pharmacist and needed help keeping up with cookie orders. That’s when he turned to his partners in crime, George Boulatian and Oganess Markosian for the assist. George was a self-employed accountant and business advisor while Oganess was working in the financial lending industry. They were inspired by all the cookie requests and the trio decided to start a passion project in Arthur’s garage. Six months later, Chubby Cookie Co. was born in a commercial kitchen in North Hollywood, CA!

The Dream:

While the three friends came from very different careers, they always shared the dream of becoming entrepreneurs. Today, they bring a family-oriented energy to the Chubby bakery and strive to show customers the true love that goes into every fresh batch. The opportunity to build and grow Chubby Cookie Co. felt like a natural step and the founding team is forever grateful for the customers and community that continue to support their dream – you are at the heart of the Chubby mission!

Our goal is to inspire everyone to follow their passions, even if that means straying off your current career path. Sometimes life's greatest gifts are waiting just around the corner, whether that’s a freshly baked cookie or a new adventure you never expected. Dreams are truly made of Chubby Cookies!

See Our Founders' Favorites